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WHMCS Domain Parking

The "Domain Parking" addon automatically parks any domain order (that have no hosting account and have the default nameservers) in your cPANEL server!

 Domain parking service allows you client to have a web page that tells the visitors that domain is parked or is coming soon etc.


Supported Features

Automatic parking on after successful domain Register / Transfer and automatic nameservers change!

Manual parking / unparking clientarea button in Domain Details page.

Manage (Add/Remove) URL redirect of parked domain

CronJob: detects nameservers changes or domain expiry and auto-unpark them.

Client E-mail Notification upon domain parking / unparking

Works with any type of company small (1 Server/VPS/Reseller) or big (many servers).

Works with any registrar

No hard configuration, 5-10 min installation. Documentation included.



  • WHM/Cpanel 11+
  • WHMCS 5.x - 6.x - 7.x - 8.x

You should have access in WHM panel to able to add a new DNS Zone.

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